The Philosophy of Sri Madhwacharya is simple, easy and very convincing vedanta, called "Dvaita or Tattva-vada". To quote Sri Madhwacharya from his 'VishNu-tattva-vinirNaya'
jiiveshvara bhidA chaiva jaDeshvara bhidA tathA |
jiiva-bhedo mithashchaiva jaDa-jiiva-bhidA tathA |
mithashcha jaDa-bhedo.ayam prapaJNcho bheda-pa.nchakaH ||
The difference between the jîva (soul) and Îshvara (Creator)
the difference between jaDa (insentient) and Îshvara
the difference between various jîvas
the difference between jaDa and jîva
the difference between various jades
these five differences make up the universe."
Madhwa philosophy is summerised in the following sloka, attributed to Sri Vyasa Tirtha :-
Sriman Madhwa Mathe
1 . Harih para tarah - Hari is the Supreme Being.
2 . Satyam Jagat - The world is Real, not Mithya or illusion.
3 . Tatvato Bhedah - Difference is Real.
4 . Jeeva Gana Hare ranu charah - All the Jivas are Hari's Servants.
5 . Neecho cha bhavam gatah - with gradation among them.
6. Muktirnaija sukhanubhutih - Mukti is the enjoyment of (the soul's) innate bliss.
7. Amala Bhaktischa tat Sadhanam - pure bhakti is the means of attaining mukti.
8. Akshadi Tritayam pramanam - there are three sources to gain knowledge namely :-
a. Knowing things through "Eyes and other Indriya Prathyaksha",
b. knowing by inference, "Anumana" , and
c. By Shastras 'Agama". Tru Knowledge of the world can be gained by the above three means. It is "Tritayam".
9. Akhilamnaiyaika Vedyo Harih -Lord Sri Hari can be known by Amna (or, Veda) only.
This shloka contains in a nutshell, the essence Dwaita Philosophy