Ellarigu Namaskara,
The main objective of Hari Vayu Guru Seva Trust is to bring all Madhwas closer together, to build a united Madhwa Community that functions virtually as a single family.
This website is an effort to collect and provide information on our Madhwa/Dvaita Siddhantha/Sampradaya to serve as a guide and provide the inquiring persons, scope for developing useful understanding thereby following them in our daily lives.
Though such information is available in abundance in a number of books in various languages and also in a number of websites, we thought a compilation of such works could serve as a single source of ready reference for the benefit of all.
The decision to go in for a compilation of this sort was prompted by a desire to introduce basic concepts of Madhwa Philosoply to our madhwa community who are exposed to different religions and cultures and wish to know more about their own culture.
Lets all strive for the overall growth of every Madhwa through leading a Contented, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous life.
If you find any wrong information or if you want to add more information to it, please send your valuable feedback to us shvgstrust@gmail.com with subject line as harivayuguru.com feedback
Thanks in Advance
Hari Vayu Guru Seva Trust